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Why We As Women Sell Ourselves Short...And Why We Deserve Better

I think there are several reasons why we as women sometimes aren't modest, why we sell ourselves short of what we truly deserve.

1. Sometimes we just crave love and think that dressing impurely is the way to catch someone's eye and then maybe we will get the love we are looking for. But that's not the kind of love we want. No woman is truly satisfied being treated as an object and used, rather than being given sacrificial love. And if we settle for that and call that love, we are just fooling ourselves. We want to be loved, not used. There's a difference.

2. Sometimes we don't know any better. Sometimes that is how we were raised and we never truly understood how valuable our bodies truly are. Our bodies are gifts to be saved for our husbands, not trifles that are taken for granted.

3. We don't realize the temptation we are presenting. How can we expect men to treat us respectfully and with pure love if we are tempting them and showing them more than they are meant to see before marriage? We deserve better and so do they. A truly godly and holy man won't want a woman for only her body. No decent man should want to marry a woman who acts as if she were an object rather than a human being. Is that the type of man we want? Someone who would take any woman with a figure? No! We deserve so much more! But even good, decent, holy men get tempted when they see a woman's body. Respect yourself and help men respect you.

4. Sometimes we underestimate our own beauty and think we aren't pretty. When we let ourselves believe such a lie, we may think it doesn't matter how we dress because we think we won't tempt anyone because we're not pretty enough to do so. This is not true on either point. We are beautiful. Don't believe the lies. We are God's works of art. Who are we to question the ultimate Artist's creations? And so, yes, we still pose a temptation to men when we dress immorally whether we realize it or not.

We don't have to dress immodestly to be or feel beautiful. We don't have to dress immodestly to be happy. We don't have to dress immodestly at all!

We deserve someone who is serious about us. We deserve a commitment. None of us deserve broken promises or lies. None of us deserve to be treated any less than the beautiful women we are. God created us to love and be loved. We, as women, should crave a real love that is pure and brought to us by God. God has our best interests at heart. Always. If you catch yourself dating someone who you would not bring home to your parents, that you are afraid to tell your friends about, or, most importantly, is someone who you know God wouldn't be happy to see you dating, you need to woman up and tell him that you deserve better. Don't ever be afraid to fight for true love. You deserve it. Don't be satisfied with anyone less than who God has planned for you. Satan wants you to sell yourself short. God doesn't want you to sell yourself at all. He wants you to know how truly wonderful you are, and He wants you to be happy. You deserve forever. Not just one night. Not just until your boyfriend changes his mind or you change yours. You deserve a happily ever after, and you can take the first step in that direction by dressing modestly.

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